Lesson 16

Subjects of Kingdom Blessed

THE subjects of Christ’s kingdom will be the people of the whole world, including those who have died, with the exception of those who, during the time they lived, proved worthy to be among either the spiritual or earthly rulers in the kingdom. Their blessings will consist of all the good things which properly belong to humans who desire to be in harmony with the righteous laws of their Creator. (Ps. 145:16) These blessings are fittingly referred to in one of the promises of the Bible as a “feast.”—Isa. 25:6

There are many heretofore unobtainable blessings for which the human race has yearned and struggled. One of these is peace. The people of all nations have longed for a time when there would be no more wars, and God has promised that through the agencies of Christ’s kingdom peace will be established—universal and eternal peace.—Ps. 46:9,10; Isa. 2:3,4; 9:7

Throughout the ages there has always been a great deal of uncertainty with many concerning their economic needs. While in America Social Security has eased these tensions to some extent, the problem is far from solved on a global basis. Only Christ’s kingdom will bring the real solution. Under the laws of that kingdom, equitable and happy conditions will exist for all.—Mic. 4:4; Ps. 72:11-13; Isa. 65:21,22

Another contributing cause of human unhappiness has been the wide conflict of opinion with respect to God and religion. In every age this has led to bitter hatred and persecution. In many countries today efforts are being made to solve this problem, but at best these lead only to surface agreements of unity. However, through the administration of Christ’s kingdom this problem will be completely and eternally solved.

God’s promises assure us that he will write his law in the hearts of the people and that all shall truly know him.—Jer. 31:31-34

We are also assured that the Lord will turn a pure message of truth to the people, upon the basis of which all will serve him unitedly. (Zeph. 3:9) We are informed that then the knowledge of the Lord will fill the earth as the waters cover the sea.—Isa. 11:9

All these blessings, wonderful as they are, would be of no permanent value if the people continued to become ill and die; so the Scriptures assure us that the problem of sickness and death will also be solved. This plague upon the human race will be destroyed.—Isa. 33:24; 25:8; I Cor. 15:25,26

The blessings of Christ’s kingdom will be extended to those who are dead, for they will be awakened from the sleep of death. (Dan. 12:2; John 5:28,29) The entire dead world of mankind has been ransomed by the death of Jesus, and we are promised that the ransomed of the Lord are to return from death. (Isa. 35:10) This will include the wicked as well as the righteous.—Acts 24:15




Who will be the subjects of Christ’s kingdom, and what blessings will they receive?  How does the Bible symbolize these blessings?

Quote scriptures to prove that Christ’s kingdom will give peace to all mankind.

Will the subjects of Christ’s kingdom need to have any fears concerning their food, clothing, and shelter?

Will religious controversy continue during the thousand years of Christ’s kingdom?  Quote some of the texts of the Bible on this question.

Will Christ’s kingdom remove the plague of sickness and death?

Will those who have died have an opportunity to enjoy the blessings of Christ’s kingdom?


Reference Material

“The Divine Plan of the Ages,” pages 111-114


Summary of Important Thoughts

The blessings of Christ’s kingdom will be so all-comprehensive and satisfying that the Bible likens them to a “feast of fat things” which the Lord will make for all people. 
