THE whole universe is
governed in keeping with
the fixed plans of the
Creator. Because this is
true those who sow seed
know that in due time
they will reap a
harvest; and astronomers
can forecast the exact
movements of the sun,
the moon, and the stars.
God also has a plan for
his human creatures,
every detail of which is
being worked out exactly
according to his design.
God created the earth to
be man’s eternal home,
but he forewarned our
first parents that their
continued life depended
upon their obedience to
his law. They disobeyed
and were sentenced to
death. By heredity this
death condemnation was
passed on to their
progeny, and the human
family has experienced
more than six thousand
years of sin, sickness,
and death. Now it is
feared that the entire
race might be destroyed
through the selfish
misuse of human
inventions and
But the Bible assures us
that this will not
occur, that, instead,
the human race is to be
restored to life as was
originally designed by
the Creator. The plan of
God whereby this is
accomplished has,
throughout the
centuries, been moving
forward to completion,
and the Bible reveals
that now the time is
near for the glorious
consummation of that
plan. Those who
understand God’s plan
for man are filled with
hope instead of fear.
There are many facets to
the Divine plan, as you
will discover through
the use of this study
book. It is not a book
simply to be read. You
will receive the
greatest good from it by
making sure that you
understand the answers
to the questions in each
lesson before passing on
to the next lesson.
And to gain this
knowledge it is also
important that you look
up all the Scripture
texts which are cited
and read the suggested
reference material. We
commend these topical
Bible studies to you.
Should questions arise
that are not answered in
the studies, do not
hesitate to write to us
concerning them.
The reference materials
suggested under
“Students’ Helps” are
the six volumes of the Studies
in the Scriptures.